Chelation-Controlled Bergman Cyclization: Synthesis and Reactivity of Enediynyl Ligands
● Basak, Amit; Mandal, Subrata; Bag, Subhendu Sekhar●
Chemical Reviews2003, 103(10), 4077-4094.
Abstract: A review with 150 references.

Dr. SUBHENDU SEKHAR BAG Associate Professor Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory Room No. CHF-208 (O); CH-103 (Lab.); Core-2 Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Guwhati, Guwahati-781 039, Assam, INDIA. Ph : +91-361-258-2324 (O); +91-361-258-4324 (R) Mobile: 0361-258-4324 Fax: +91-361-258-2349 Email: ssbag75@iitg.ernet.in//ssbag75@yahoo.co.in |

////////////Bergman Cyclization, Enediynyl Ligands